Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Män som hatar kvinnor

was the original Swedish title of Stieg Larsson's best-selling first novel in the Millennium trilogy. Translate it into English and you get "Men Who Hate Women."

However us in the English speaking world know the novel and subsequent movie as "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" due to marketing purposes and I'm sure also because mainstream media doesn't have a backbone.

I saw the movie a few days ago at my beloved dollar theatre because there wasn't much of selection this week and it had a good score on rotten tomatoes. I really love the dollar theatre because I see a lot of movies that I wouldn't normally risk to see at movie theatres for $8 or rent on DVD and
"Män som hatar kvinnor" was no exception.

I don't like watching movies about murders or crime drama or psychopaths because I don't derive entertainment from watching such an ugly side of humanity.

However I was really impressed by this movie. It explores pretty heavy stuff like violence against women and Nazism. Stieg Larsson was a journalist for a Communist newspaper in Sweden just like his character Mikael Blomkvist and wrote what he thought were prevalent stains in the fabric of Swedish society... or so wikipedia informed me.

Goodness knows I don't often see a Hollywood movie with a solid narrative. Not sure if I can explain what it is that felt better than most movies I see... Everything came together in it.... character motivations etc. and I wasn't left feeling the obvious holes in the plot. It's really hard to get a good sense of a character in 2ish hours but this movie really pulled it off. HOLLYWOOD TAKE NOTES!

Oh, and did I mention Hollywood is already gearing up to do the English language version?
Is it that strenuous to read subtitles? No!! get a grip English-speaking world!

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